Isaiah Quinones
Lost in Shangri-La
By: Mitchell Zunkoff
There is nothing better then that of a strong independent woman breaking the gender barrier in our heavily masculine society that we live in today. "Girls cant do this", "Girls cant do that", with no true consideration for the great accomplishments woman have had in America and around the world. there is nothing better then a woman proving men wrong in the military, and if that excavates great curiosity in you then the book Lost in Shangri-la is the perfect book for you.
The book is all about survival, taking place in lucrative New Guinea during WW11 where the Americans brutally fought against hostile native tribes and the Japanese freshly kicked of the island with many guerrilla style warriors stay hidden among-st the vast jungles. To most this would be no place one would want to travel but for Margaret Hastings, this is exactly where she wants to be. As a woman looking to fight for her Country and break social norms, she finds her self a survivor along with Two other G.I.s in a plane crash in the middle of the vast jungle of the great island devoid of any chance of rescue.
This book is not for the light hearted. I would recommend it to most but it does have its flaws as well as the language is not as sophisticated as i had hoped for but overall it is a great novel. The book for me comes down to three major points as to why i enjoy it being: opposition to social norms, Survival, and Patriotism which really make this book stand out from other war time story like novels.
The first major reason i would like to address that makes this novel stand out above the rest is that of its great opposition to gender inequality and social norms. For Margaret Hastings, she stood out among her siblings as she always wanted to go and make a true impact on the war hands on. She joined the WAC in hopes to provide front line support that men saw not possible by a woman which she greatly blows out of the water. When offered special treatment she refuses to prove the point of independence as she is not without hard work proven where it says "Margaret spent nearly a year in basic training"(9). challenging all the stigmas for women in the 40's which gives this book its edge. Her survival skills in the jungle also support this greatly which i love and the author intended to make her into a heroine.
Another stand out reason for my passion of the book is the survival aspect of it. Being at first one of three to survive a plane crash, being the only women her grit and determination to survive is impeccable. Margaret is also very selfless as she exclaims "Wished that she before they left the crash site they'd said a prayer, built a cross, or laid some kind of marker for the twenty-one friends" showing just how much she cares for others. she takes risks for the better survival of her friends, and never sees a day where she gives up. This great determination in the face of eminent danger or death is what I believe truly sets Margaret apart from any other character and makes me love this book.
lastly the major thing setting this book apart from any other is Margaret's Patriotism which is something that can be loved by all. "WAC's were 'my best soldiers" because the worked harder and groused less then male troops" (11-12) As stated by General MacArthur showing just how important her role was overseas. Margaret never lost sight of her family and her country for which she served which makes me fall in love with this book. She fought valiantly for her life all for the American people as this was a highly published story giving hope back home.
This book is not for someone looking for complex text but rather the every day American looking for another reason to have hope. This book would also suit activists alike looking for innovative was to define gender equality. The book is best suited for the "war time story" category excelling in all critiques possible under this criteria. Lost in Shangri-La is by far the best war time story book i have ever read and i would highly recommend this to all who fall under the above criteria.
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