Thursday, March 2, 2017


Protecting Lady Liberty and all those who take residence in her country are aware of radical nationalism that takes aim at creating damnation towards "our" homeland. How do we protect Lady Liberty and all those who stand behind the American flag when potential threats are roaming in our backyard. Joby Warrick author of Black Flags writes the modern day genesis of American terrorism and the upbringing of one of America's most feared groups; Isis. Following the story of Abu Musab  Zarqawi, a man who laid the pillars of foundation for the extremist army known as the Islamic State. 

        This book revolves around the perspective of a bloodlust ridded individual who ordered beheadings of captives and has virtually destroyed years of history that was lost in the destruction of antiquities. Warrick embarks on an informative story telling mission where he dissects the early years of Zarqawi's rise to international notoriety. Before his name reached the briefing room in some CIA meeting room, he was pledging his oath to a warlord's militia in Afghanistan where he earned status of being the "holy warrior". Zarqawi realigned himself with a man named Osama Bin Laden, their coalition transcended into organized bombings and assassinations in Jordan. Amnesty was granted to Abu Musab Zarqawi in 1999. 
          Go figure, a soon to be international terrorist found himself to be on a list where he was pardoned for his earlier convictions. A form of political misinformation led King Abdullah of Jordan to pardon this man on the behalf of reinitiating a relationship with the Muslim Brotherhood with intentions of easing conflict between them and the Jordan Parliament. Warrick doesn't let the details fall at the way side, his book will enlighten you on a side of the story where CNN,ABC, and Fox news don't. I would recommend this book to anyone who has a natural desire to know how a poorly educated brawler from Jordan amassed to be standing behind the most feared group in America. 

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