Sunday, April 2, 2017


By: Kalisha Buckhanon

Antonio and Natasha are in a romantic relationship but are living in two different worlds. Antonio is in prison, while Natasha is out in the free world. They are living seperate lives but are connected by their love. However Antonio isn't very happy with his decison to taking the plea for unvoluntary man-slaughter because this means he'll be spending more time away from the love of his life, the life he could be living, and his family.

Above the surface this book is about romance, but underneth it's about solitude. While locked up Antonio has done some soul searching and discovered a lot of things about himself. He had an epiphany while putting a Rubik's cube back together saying," I get to see things all ****** up and coming back together again and plan five, six, seven steps ahead. I wish I could've done that on the outside, with my life" (107).  This just shows how we often take the opportunities we have in life for granted. No one knows what's coming in the future, which is why you have to do everything in your power to make your life worthwhile. That's one of the messages the author sends through this book. This book is tru;y powerful because it makes you reflect on yourself. Another important theme contained in this book is unity. One of the characters stated that, " Rivers connect everybody in the whole world to one God like veins in the bidy that pump blood from one heart" ( Buckhanon 123). It portays the idea that all of us on this earth are unified.

This book is absolutely powerful and will change your perspective of the world. I wholeheartedly recommed this book to thinkers and people who are open to making a change in themselves before making a change in the world.

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